Company details
Postal addresses
Postal address for complaints
To resolve the complaint as quickly as possible, it is best to contact our customer service.
Of course you can also submit a complaint in writing. For a quick and correct handling, we ask for the following information: your name, address, place of residence, e-mailaddress and order number.
Send your complaint to:
Attn. Complaints Department
Postbus 64
1930 AB, Egmond aan Zee
The Netherlands
You will receive a confirmation of receipt as soon as we have received your letter. You will then receive a substantive response from us within 14 days.
Company details
Bisschopskroft 37
1934DG Egmond aan den Hoef
KvK Alkmaar: 76096793
Tax Identification (BTW): NL003042867B68
IBAN: NL15 BUNQ 2038 9491 07