Postal addresses

Postal address for complaints

To resolve the complaint as quickly as possible, it is best to contact our customer service.

Of course you can also submit a complaint in writing. For a quick and correct handling, we ask for the following information: your name, address, place of residence, e-mailaddress and order number.

Send your complaint to:
Attn. Complaints Department
Postbus 64
1930 AB, Egmond aan Zee
The Netherlands

You will receive a confirmation of receipt as soon as we have received your letter. You will then receive a substantive response from us within 14 days.
If you don't agree with the solution or we can't work it out together? Then you can submit your complaint to the Disputes Committee via the European ODR Platform (

Good to know:
If you as a consumer believe that your complaint has not been handled properly, you can contact the Thuiswinkel Disputes Committee (, PO Box 90600, 2509 LP The Hague.

Company details
Bisschopskroft 37
1934DG Egmond aan den Hoef

KvK Alkmaar: 76096793
Tax Identification (BTW): NL003042867B68
IBAN: NL15 BUNQ 2038 9491 07